Vital Areas of Wellness

Vital Areas of Wellness

The human body is designed to defend, repair and maintain itself, but to do so requires all the following in ideal balance, quality and synergy: 1. Water that is: Filtered through ion resin exchange – Erin Brockovich Explains The Flint Water Crisis – Water...
Body Balancing

Body Balancing

For more information contact Elaine Connelly directly, or visit
Water Experiment (5 Weeks)

Water Experiment
(5 Weeks)

Water experiment performed by Dr. Chad Nielson. Dr. Nielson used tap water, reverse osmosis, well water and Nikken’s PiMag water. The water in each container was changed out weekly in each container with fresh water. The sweet potatoes were organically grown and were...
Can Magnets Help Diabetic Neuropathy?

Can Magnets Help Diabetic Neuropathy?

Diabetes Wellness News – October 2004 Cynicism surrounds complementary medicines and the use of therapeutic magnets in particular. Many people espouse their health-improving properties, but do they really work? A recent study in America, published in the...